Money Transfer

tRansfer money anywhere with ease

Money transfer generally refers to one of the following cashless modes of payment or payment systems: Electronic funds transfer, an umbrella term mostly used for bank card-based payments. Wire transfer, an international expedited bank-to-bank funds transfer. Giro, also known as direct deposit.

Money Transfers. Transfer Money enables the user to initiate payment from his bank account to any other bank account without visiting the bank enjoying from the ease of his home through digital banking.

NEFT stands for National Electronic Fund Transfer. Transferring money from one bank account to another is considered one of the most popular types of money transfer in India. This process has no maximum limit on money transfer amount, but the individual banks have the right to set any limit

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Features that makes us different from others

  • Earns interest See rates
  • Option to set up Balance Connectâ„¢ for overdraft protection
  • Paper checks available (no charge or discounted depending on check style)
  • Maintain a combined balance of $10,000 in eligible linked accounts Learn about combined balances
  • No fees on select services and additional accounts